Key Information


Here at William Barcroft, we provide our pupils with a broad, rich and balanced curriculum, which promotes the spiritual, moral, mental, cultural and physical development of pupils. It is planned to enable our pupils to gain a breadth of essential knowledge, understanding and social skills; thus enabling our pupils to be ready for the next stage of learning. SMSC and the teaching of British Values are woven and intertwined through the curriculum.

Our bespoke, creative curriculum is designed to develop children as independent learners, to ensure that they are engaged and have a love for learning and is underpinned by The National Curriculum 2014. Our curriculum has been designed to inspire our children to learn and is planned to be relevant to the children of William Barcroft Junior School. Cross-curricular links are exploited to show pupils how skills and knowledge can continuously be transferred from subject to subject. It is vital to extend our children’s knowledge, understanding and improve their skills in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities. Throughout the year trips, visitors and experiences further enhance the curriculum.

We teach through a topic-based approach. Each year group has three main topics to focus on throughout the year. All year groups have personalised topics with key questions for each term. All topics are planned to cover age related expectations for each year group, based on the ‘new’ National Curriculum. This curriculum is intended with challenge for all in mind. Our curriculum is not restricted to the classroom, we aim to use the whole school inside and out to enhance lessons and provide stimulating environments in which our children can learn. We celebrate children’s successes across the curriculum and provide extra-curricular opportunities so children can continue their love of learning in clubs after the school day.

Coverage of age appropriate objectives and key assessment criteria are monitored closely by subject leaders and this helps to provide continuity, progress and personalised learning experiences for children as they move through the school. Teaching uses a variety of strategies including whole class, collaborative group work, pairs and individuals. We place a strong focus on developing children’s basic skills and on the development of those skills.

We recognise that English, mathematics and science are fundamental to our pupils’ education. Where possible these core subjects are linked to the creative curriculum themes. However essential discrete skills and knowledge, at times, will need to be taught and learnt. We understand the impact that maths and literacy skills can have across the curriculum and plan lessons to transfer these skills between subjects in order to hone these imperative skills.

Assessment draws on a range of evidence of what pupils know, understand and can do across the curriculum. This can be evidenced through work presented in topic books, photographs, tweets, displays in school and discussion with our pupils. The goal is to meet the needs of the children within our school and give them every opportunity to succeed in every aspect of school life.
