News & Events

William Barcroft Careers Day!

  • October 20, 2023

Our careers day was a fantastic event! We had visitors in school from a range of careers – this was a great opportunity to ask questions and find out more about what jobs there are. The children were very intrigued to find out what ‘a day in the life’ looks like in each job! The children finished the day feeling inspired about their future prospects and excited about what they had learnt.

Year 3 had a fabulous day on Careers Day! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of our special visitors in the hall and were able to ask these specialists lots of fabulous questions about their jobs such as what they enjoyed about their job and how they got their job. We enjoyed finding out about our teachers and their career paths. We also were able to research a range of different jobs that were related to some of our favourite subjects at school. It was inspiring to find out about the enormous range of careers that are available that people have!

Year 4 enjoyed their sessions during careers day. We came up with some brilliant questions to ask our visitors and really enjoyed experiencing a wide range of job roles. Once we had finished in the hall, we had some interesting discussions about qualifications and what you need to do to be qualified for certain job roles. We enjoyed watching some ‘day in the life’ videos. We got to see a day in the life of a doctor, a footballer, a vet and many more! We had some great debates about which jobs are more demanding time wise, and which jobs may be easier than others.

Year 5 have asked some fantastic questions to the visitors who came in and it has inspired them with all the potential future careers they could have. The pupils have then researched different jobs and created a PowerPoint all about their future dream jobs and what skills they need and the career path to take to achieve this. They have then used this knowledge to make a future career path mind map.

Year 6 focused on our career options and future paths. We first discussed our dream jobs and the jobs we could see ourselves in while looking at our skills and qualities too. We researched a range of different roles in which would suit these qualities or talents. The children researched the career paths needed, training required and how long the training requirements would be, where in which they could achieve these qualifications whether it be college, university or through apprenticeships. The children then took part in some mock interviews where in which we discussed other qualities such as time management, punctuality and team work.