Thank you to all parents who attended our Fish and Tips evening this week for our Year 6 cohort. We discussed our expectations for our year 6’s and offered SATS support for parents wanting to support at home. We hope it was informative and most of all, you enjoyed your food!

We’ve had a very exciting week as we welcomed one of our favourite authors into school – Luke Temple! Luke shared his amazingly spooky stories with Felix Dashwood as the main character: The Traitor’s Treasure;  The Mutating Mansion; Traitor’s Revenge! Our workshop’s with Luke are always fun and engaging: we role-played, created a three-headed story and enjoyed watching how the book covers come to life through a talented illustrator video. He shared his experiences of becoming an author and how woven ideas create a plot. Luke then returned to school the next day and signed books that the children had bought. The children loved this opportunity and Luke’s visit!

Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament Results

1 – Lisle Marsden

2 – Wybers Wood Primary

3 – William Barcroft

4 – Scartho Primary

5 – Elliston Primary

6 – Stanford Primary

We ended up finishing 3rd in our group and this meant we were through to the next round to battle for 5th place against 3rd place of the other group. This turned out to be Coomb Briggs Primary.

5th Place Play off Game: William Barcroft 1 v 0 Coomb Briggs Primary

A fantastic afternoon and the girls deserve all the plaudits coming their way. They did themselves and the school proud by displaying that never say die attitude and the Barcroft spirit. Again, a massive thank you to the parents supporting the girls, your support is appreciated and we are glad you were treated to such a spectacle.

Thank you to all the parents/ carers who attended our fabulous learning showcases this week. It is a great way to round off the term with the children and allows you all to see what inspiring, creative work the children have been completing in school. Please see a few pictures taken at this week’s shows.
This week we have been displaying some fantastic talents in our termly showcase. This gives the children the opportunity to display their talents and hobbies to the rest of the school and it is fantastic to see their confidence grow. There were some creative entries and we are so proud of own little talent superstars! Well done!

On Tuesday 18th June and Wednesday 19th June, we all participated in the school’s annual sports day. We enjoyed showcasing our talents in a wide variety of activities. There were some excellent baskets scored in basketball and some extremely long javelins thrown across both days. We also completed long jump, discus, shot put, sack race, hurdles and boccia. The races were spectacular and everyone did their best. A massive thank you to all parents that came to spectate and created special memories with their children, your support is much appreciated. A huge thank you to all staff and especially TRIN Centre, who helped Mr Dawes to run the events smoothly.

Congratulations to year 3/4 green house, who had won the lower school sports day with 1744 points. Congratulations, also, to year 5/6 blue house, who had won the upper school sports day with 2772 points (winning by over 200 points).

Children from Year 3 to 6 have had a fabulous day at The Trin today! All of the children have participated in four different activities across a fun-filled day.

We started with some gaming on the PlayStations where children picked their game to play! We had some great FIFA matches taking place and some very interesting Fortnite dances! After this, we went outside on the courts to learn some new skills and play some basketball and netball against each other in mixed teams.

We had our lunch sat out in the sunshine as it was such a lovely day and then was ready for our final two sessions.

In the afternoon, we completed a boxing session which everyone LOVED! Joe taught the children their stances and did lots of drills with them. Finally, we went on the astroturf for some multi skills games and football which was very high energy but great fun!

The children have been showing their parents all the fantastic learning they have been doing in school during the Spring term this week. Our fantastically well attended learning showcases give parents the opportunity to celebrate their children’s learning with them and helps give our children an opportunity to perform in our year group assemblies.

Every term we like to share the fantastic talent that we have at William Barcroft! This week we conducted our Spring Talent Showcase and 10 acts were given the opportunity to display their talents to the whole school and the judging panel. We had some fantastic singers, dancers and even gymnasts and it was a pleasure to watch. Congratulations to a winner who received a tasty Easter treat for their exceptional effort on the day.


Our next Talent Showcase will take place in the Summer term so please get practising if you want to be part of the cast.

We held an Easter crafts session after school for parents and carers with the children last week. As you can see, everyone had an ‘eggcellant’ time making a variety of Easter crafts.

Thank you to our parents for your support.