Year 3 had a wonderful time at Old Clee Church – the oldest building in Cleethorpes, its Saxon tower dates back to 1050. We were looking at its architecture as part of this term’s Art topic of sculpture. We spent time sketching and taking photos of parts of the church we found most interesting.

This week, the Production Club performed three fantastic performances of ‘Cinderella the Pantomime’ (Oh yes they did!). This was performed to the whole school who loved joining in with all of the classical pantomime parts. We had special solo parts from some Year 6 children singing ‘Man I Feel Like a Woman’, ‘Perfect’ and ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ and all children thoroughly enjoyed joining in for ‘I’m a Believer’. The children in this club have been rehearsing for their Christmas show for months and it is clear to see how much they have all grown in confidence and how much they loved being part of this project. We ended with two performances to parents, one of which we had nearly 70 family members of children join us, making it a sell out!
Thank you for all your support in fostering the talents of your children. It is so marvelous watching them blossom in confidence and shine on the stage as aspiring thespians and performers!
Over the last week, we enjoyed a Scholastic Book Fair in school! This was a brilliant opportunity to broaden our personal vocabulary, look and explore at new books and releases and discuss books with our friends, teachers and parents. We also receive free books from Scholastic depending on how many books we bought; a huge thank you to parents and carers for supporting us with this! We will definitely be running another book fair in the future.
‘I bought Dork Diaries and School poems. There was lots of choice so it was very hard to pick!’ (Elsie, Year 6)
‘I bought a ton of books, they were amazing to read. I also bought a rock and minerals box which was really exciting. The notebook was very useful too – it’s not just books in the book fair, there’s all sorts!’ (William, Year 6)

Today we have celebrated and raised money for Children in Need. The theme this year is to challenge yourself. As a school we challenged ourselves to wear spotty clothing for a ‘SPOTACULAR’ look. Please take a look at our X (Twitter) page to see all of our fantastic activities from today.
Thank you to the lovely Mrs Munson (Mellors) who baked us some CIN inspired cookies!

This Week WBJS has celebrated Anti-bullying week. We have enjoyed showing our support in preventing bullying by wearing our odd sock on Tuesday and each class has done various activities to raise the awareness of bullying and the theme ‘choosing respect’. We also have some exciting news, as we now have our very own Anti-bullying Ambassadors in school! These children monitor the playground and help anyone who is lonely, or needs someone to talk to and support them along side the adults. They have also made some beautiful posters around school to help send our message and raise awareness of the affects that bullying can have and why it needs to stop.